Tuesday, September 22, 2009


“When I have truly been searching for my treasure, every day has been luminous because I’ve known that every hour is part of the dream that I would find it,” (Coelho, 125) The main character in The Alchemist, a shepherd boy named Santiago, had recurrent dreams about treasure. So, he decided to leave Andalusia, Spain and go to Egypt to look for his treasure near the Great Pyramids of Egypt. During his journey, he met various people who taught him various lessons and tips. The character traits that led Santiago to his destiny are determination, wisdom and courage.

On the way to his treasure, Santiago had to be very determined. He needed determination when he faced his father because his parents wanted him to become a priest. But Santiago wanted to travel around. Santiago said to his dad “ People from all over the world have passed through this village, son,” said his father “ They come in search of new things, but when they leave they are basically the same people they were when they arrived. They climb the mountains to see the castle, and they wind up thinking that the past was better than what we have now. They have blond hair, or dark skin, but basically they’re the same as the people who live right here.” “But I’d like to see the castles in the towns where they live,” the boy explained. “Those people, when they see our land, say that they would like to live here forever,” his father continued. “Well, I’d like to see their land, and see how they live,” said his son. “The people who come here have a lot of money to spend, so they can afford to travel,” his father said “Amongst us, the only ones who travel are the shepherds.” “Well, then I’ll be a shepherd!” (Coelho, 8)When he had the recurrent dreams and was determined to get the treasure. He tried as hard and stayed on task and in the end he got what he wanted and got his treasure. When he became determined he also gained wisdom.

Santiago gained wisdom in various ways from different people. For example he learned wisdom from Melchizedek who teaches him about the Principle of Favorability. Melchizedek explains that the Principle of Favorability was the entire universe helping a specific person to achieve his or her destiny. Santiago also learns from the Englishman. The Englishman tells him that the Soul of the World is a force that when you really want something the world will help you in a positive way to accomplish that. The Englishman said, “That’s the principle that governs all things,” he said “In alchemy, it’s called the Soul of the World when you want something with all your heart, that’s when you are closest to the Soul of the World. It’s always a positive force.” (Coelho, 75) Lastly Santiago learns about the Language of the World from the Alchemist. The Alchemist teaches him that the Language of the World can be spoken by anyone and be understood by everyone. The Alchemist also explains that it is similar to the Soul of the World it is also a positive force that helps you understand other people and to make other people understand you. With the wisdom he gained he became more courageous.

Santiago has become more courageous throughout his journey. Santiago is courageous because when he does something he doesn’t really hesitate. He just does it with confidence. For example when he had to turn into the wind he had to do it in front of the tribal chiefs and he didn’t hesitate. He just tried his best and did as much as he could. Another time Santiago was courageous was when the people at the pyramid were beating him up. He had the guts to talk to them and tell them about his dream and explaining it to them. He said “I’m not hiding anything,” the boy answered,” (Coelho, 154). Another example of courage in the novel is when Santiago walks into the bar with the thief. It was courageous because it was a scary place and it was a bit crowded but he just went inside calmly with ease. He has learned many things from different people on the way to his treasure.

After traveling back from the Great Pyramids of Egypt and back to Andalusia he achieved new traits that helped him achieve his destiny. The only way Santiago achieved his destiny was that he gained wisdom and courage and became determined. Throughout the journey he has become more courageous and has faced more obstacles and challenges and accomplishing them. With the wisdom he gained, he has made wiser and more thoughtful choices to lead him to his destiny. And by becoming determined Santiago stayed on one thing and persevered. He did that by trying his best and sticking to one thing. Santiago achieved his destiny and got his treasure at the end. Through the journey Santiago’s heart and soul combined as one to make him a better person. By the end Santiago understood the Soul and the Language of the World He also got more mature throughout the story. Santiago also found true love in his journey. At the end Santiago found his treasure buried under the sycamore at the church and returned to Al-Fayoum to go back to Fatima. Coelho’s message of perseverance is that every one can achieve their destiny or goal if they persevere, never give up and try your best.

A main trait that I posses is perseverance. Perseverance is a trait that helps achieve destiny is because you keep on trying. For example when you are about to give up you persevere and try your best to achieve the task you are doing. You will achieve that task by doing the task over and over until you achieve. Perseverance helps you by letting you achieving your destiny. Perseverance helps you to achieve your destiny.

Perseverance- V Boge

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